Terminocheck Features
Take note that Terminocheck is still at an early stage of developpement, so the features described above may not work correctly for the moment...
A folder named 'examples' is included in the package, which permits to test these features yourself before try on real files.
Current release (0.4.1) :
- Display help and version information, complain when uncorrect option or argument to option is given.
- Display output either in color or in no-color mode.
- Actually replace "good term" and "bad term" in text files, with or without user interaction.
- Recursively process an arborescence.
- Open delicate files in a text editor *but here can be some bug !*
Next release (developpement) :
- Manage files already processed, skip them or something..
- More debugging output, perhaps a log file.
- Don't match URLs and stuff like that.